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Quality over quantity, that's why we offer Repair Service. 


Tattered clothes are the statement of the owner who works hard in life. There’s no need to hide it. Instead, we use bright and playful colour thread to highlight the flaw and turn it into art. In a stylish way, not only for your old purchase with us, but also the old garments that you cherish a lot.


Bring them to us, we help you to turn it into SUM-thing new! Not exactly new...but yea, something cute.


Repair Service includes but not limited to...

Areas we cover: Side seam fixing embroidery, visible mending, fixing fabric hole...

Garment type: woven fabric preferred. (e.g. shirts, suits and pants etc.)

Charge: $350+ (depends on the mending quantity, charges may vary.)

You may first take pictures of the appearance of the clothes and close-ups of the flaws then Whatsapp or email us for consultation. Base on the shape and tatters of the garment, we will tailor-made and hand-sew the mending just for you.

For enquires, please email or simply WhatsApp us on +852 68753841.

*This service is currently on trial and only 50 vacancies open for Hong Kong area only.

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We repair each garment with love and care, with colour thread to highlight the flaw and turn it into art.


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Registered in Hong Kong with business number 41112741.

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